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Instructions to Write Argumentative Essays

Writing an argumentative essay is a complex process. It involves conducting research to understand different points of view and determining how to best present your own perspective in a convincing manner. There are also a variety of considerations, such as what type of evidence to use and when to incorporate it, how to structure the essay, and how to address counterarguments and refute them. With so many variables, it is easy to get lost in the process and produce an essay that does not meet the standards of your audience.

This article offers tips and guidance to help you craft an essay that is both effective and engaging. The first step in the process is preparation, which includes researching your topic and organizing your ideas into a clear, concise thesis statement. The next steps involve drafting, revising, and proofreading your essay.

Outlining your Argument:
During the outlining phase, it is important to sketch out an outline that will serve as a roadmap for you to follow as you draft your essay. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure that all of your arguments are clearly presented throughout the essay.

You can use either the Toulmin or Rogerian model for outlining your argument, although you may also combine elements from both. The key is to determine which model suits your purpose and the needs of your audience, and then use it to develop a compelling argument that will convince your readers.

The introductory paragraph should capture readers’ attention by presenting a hook such as a quote, question, surprising fact, or anecdote and providing background information on the subject. Then, it should introduce your position on the issue thesis statement and explain why this stance is valid and relevant exigence.

In the body of the How To Write Argumentative Essays essay, each paragraph should delve into one specific argument that supports your thesis. Each argument should be supported by examples, facts, and statistics. You should also acknowledge any potential counterarguments and refute them to strengthen your position and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

The final paragraph should reiterate your primary argument in a persuasive manner and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Be sure to avoid emotional appeals without supporting evidence and use a respectful tone, even when addressing an opposing viewpoint.